Thursday, October 27, 2011


Last night I attended the visitation service of a friend who just passed away from pancreatic cancer, 30 years old.
I was struck by something I saw while I was there.
His 25 year old widow in the embrace of a sister in Christ, who herself recently became a widow in her 70s.
I didn’t hear their words to each other but I watched their embrace and it spoke abundantly.
Of comfort, understanding, love, friendship, hope, presence, and sorrow.
Sometimes I find that a touch or an embrace can speak words to another that our lips never could. Our touches reach people in places our words never could.
The power of an embrace brought tears to my eyes as I watched two women embrace in understanding of each other’s terrible circumstances.  Here are two women from different generations and backgrounds and seasons in life yet linked by a common understanding. The power of that linkage gave them ability to speak into each other’s lives without saying a word.
There is power in your touch. Sometimes words are not necessary.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


What does it take for our beliefs to begin to shape our actions? I have been asking this question a lot lately of both myself and those around me. For the sake of this post I will focus on my own errors in this, you know working on the plank before the speck.

There are many things I say I believe yet those beliefs don’t shape my actions. For example, I believe the Word of God is powerful and useful for every situation in life, but the amount of time I spend studying and reading it would not show proof of that belief. I believe that hell is a real place and that apart from the grace of God individuals will be there for an eternity, yet this belief doesn’t cause the words of the gospel to spill from my mouth every time I speak with someone. I believe that true religion and true love in Christ is taking care of the least of these and loving the orphan and widow, yet too many times I sit on my hands and money with no movement towards a better life for those in need.

Why is this? Could it be I don’t really hold these beliefs? Could it be I haven’t allowed these beliefs to penetrate to the soul? No really I’m asking because there is void in my life between belief and action. I don’t want this to be true of me.  Am I the only one? What are the areas of belief that have yet to become action for you?

My prayer these days: Lord help my unbelief.

Ephesians 1:18-20
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, 19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His might 20 which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,


You will have to forgive me for failing terribly at this 31 words in 31 days thing. The month of October took on a life of its own before I could yell “Stop it!” Some medical problems have landed me on a new medication that makes my head feel dizzy and all things that make putting complete thoughts together really difficult.
So today I am playing catch up with a couple of posts to share the crazy thoughts that have been swimming around lately.
First up, Journey.
Yes the 80’s rock band that I love dearly and you do too even if you are too proud to admit it. Don’t stop believing!
But, also, Journey… the walk you take from point A to point B. The space that fills between the beginning and the end.  The time spent investing in lives, crying tears, embracing strangers, learning lessons, forgiving hurts, smelling flowers, and healing wounds.
Confession that I have allowed life to become too routine and my perspective to become too narrow. I want to breathe deeper, step bolder, and speak louder. I want my journey thought this life to be intentional and meaningful but also to be filled with moments that take my breath away and draw me more into worship of a God who is creator.
How is your Journey going? Slow down, make it count, be intentional, be present!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Today I am grateful for timing. My husband is a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and I have the privilege of working there. One of the joys of being on campus at SEBTS is the chapel services that take place twice weekly. I sneak away from my desk for an hour and enter into a worship service with coworkers and co laborers for the gospel. It is good for the soul. Specifically today.
bind my wandering heart to Thee.

The past few months have been difficult with health problems, ministry stresses, and the loss of a loved one. So this morning as the chapel speaker began by saying we all enter sanctuaries sometimes with a broken heart the tears began to fall strong and fast. Being at work you would think I would try to compose myself but there was no hope in stopping the hot mess of emotion.

Ed Litton spoke with tenderness and authenticity as he described the weight of ministering out of a heart that is broken. Everyone hurts and everyone faces hard times but ministers and ministers wives experience it differently he said. We work from the heart and sometimes we have to work from a broken heart.

The truth of this as some timely in my life right now cut straight to the bone. His words became like salve to my soul as he read 2 Corinthians 1 about the ministry of comfort within us as believers that comes from the God of all Comfort.

When I think of comfort I often think of coffee, big blankets, warm fireplaces, yummy food, thanksgiving smells, and laughter. But most importantly  comfort is the One who has conquered the grave and death, comfort is the One who has healing in His hands, comfort is the One who extends grace to the wayward and love to the fatherless, comfort is the One who lives inside of my fallen broken surrendered body.
Lavender Silhouettes by Laurette van der Merwe
Check out the full message by Ed Litton here 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Margin. The area around the mess. The blank space that is given to fill creatively. The white of the bible page where you write what the spirit gives. The deep breath that is taken not in frustration but in relaxation.

When I look back the moments of inspiration, joy, health, satisfaction, all those moments were during seasons when life allowed margin. Time spent in the abundant moments outside of the daily routine. Time not filled with appointments or tasks but instead filled with still and quiet.

Today margin is no where. Thus inspiration runs dry and satisfaction runs short.
I'm reminded today of a MercyMe Song, the lyrics speak what my soul is feeling these days. A cry to sit a while, a cry for margin.
When I cannot feel, when my wounds don't heal
Lord I humbly kneel, hidden in You
Lord, You are my life so I don't mind to die
Just as long as I am hidden in You

If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me
Nothing could touch me though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by

When I know I’ve sinned when I should have been
Crying out my God and hidden in you
Lord I need you now, more than I know how
So I humbly bow, hidden in you

If I could just sit with You a while, if You could just hold me
Nothing could touch me though I'm wounded, though I die
If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by

If I could just sit with You a while, I need You to hold me
Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by

Moment by moment, 'till forever passes by

Monday, October 10, 2011


 I have found recently that in the moments of raw emotion the layers that individuals try and hind behind slowly are pulled away. For those that you love, when those layers are gone and they are totally exposed, you get a glimpse of true love. Love is intimate. Intimacy is exposure. Exposure is liberty.

Today is my two year anniversary to the most amazing man I have ever met. I have watched him this week stand up with unimaginable strength and sit low in deep grief. He has watched me this week put on a brave face and put on the face of a child.

Layers were removed and love grew.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Words for days

Hello friends. I apologize for being MIA the past few days. It has been a crazy week in the Amick household. My husband's grandfather passed away this week. We will be headed home for the funeral this weekend.
The past few days words seem to be hard to find. Today i will let pinterest speak my thoughts.
Despite the difficulty of this week, there is much to be grateful for. Remember gratitude today! It is as powerful as Joy.
My God is greater! The mantra of the week as the things of this world attacked my body and those i love.

My weakness in this world is simply an avenue for my God to be made known by His strength in me. It is braver to claim the strength within you then to lean on your mask of fake strength.
Let the God of all comfort be your strength today.

Monday, October 3, 2011

I've got Joy down in my heart

Day 3: Joy
It was the summer of 2003 on a hot summer day in South Carolina. I was roofing a house, because that is what all high school girls do during the summer right? I remember the heat was so bad and the roof was so steep we were doing anything we could to make it through the day. My fellow roofers and I decided that singing was the best way to pass the time as we worked and so we sang:
I've got joy down in my heart
Deep Deep down in my heart
J_O_Y down in my heart
Deep Deep down in my heart
 Maybe if you have attended a youth church camp you are familiar with this tune. Today, at 25 years old, I found myself singing this tune again to pass the time and find comfort from my uncomfortable surroundings. 
Today was a hard day. Actually in the context of all the hard days millions of people probably had today mine was more like a paper cut day. Paper cuts are not fatal but they sure are painful and annoying. So my paper cut day, which in my context of days seemed more severe, reminded me why JOY is so important.
Psalm 63:7
For You have been my help, And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.
Psalm 59:16
But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold And a refuge in the day of my distress.
Emotions are fleeting. The emotion of happiness can come and go multiple times in a day, heck even multiple times in an hour sometimes. But JOY, joy is not wavering. It is steady and true and faithful, because JOY comes from the true JOY giver. Christ in me the Hope of Glory is what gives joy that can not be taken away by a circumstance. Today it was really hard to choose happiness but it was really easy to live in the joy i have no matter the circumstance. Hoping you know JOY and can live in JOY today.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Are you living the safe life or the safe life?

Day2: Safe
This morning I am on my way to church with red lips and gray fingernails. I know This is trendy now so you are probably thinking big deal but it is also significant for my life in the fact that these are bold fashion statements that cause one to stand out. I’m not typically one to stand out. Also, significant because I am the youth pastors wife at a traditional conservative Baptist church, but that’s another story for another day.
If ever there was a girl who lived safely her name is Lindsey. I have never been much for risk taking or pushing the envelope. In fact I was always the good kid, obedient, never asking too many questions or pushing too far. Give me a box of rules any day and I will gladly stand in it and thrive, never trying to escape or push the box to expand.
Now I’m not saying being a rule follower is a bad thing but when your life is defined by living safely out of a fear of the risk then I would say something is missing. Hence the question, do you live the safe life or the safe life?
Safe life 1: one marked by fear thus causing an individual to live within culturally constructed boxes.
Safe life 2: one who is marked by Christ and has the safety of His power as they live a risky life for the advancement of the kingdom
I am 25 years old and I have spent most of my life living safe life number 1. I am not necessarily saying this is a bad thing however living this safe life feels somewhat like living life for those around you. You make choices based on the opinions and thoughts of those around you and the questions in your head are typically “what are they thinking?” and “Am I pleasing them?” Take it from a girl who has been doing it for a while, trying to please all of those around you is a hard way to live. I am learning this more and more in my current job where I serve a large number of people and find it is impossible to please them all at once.
So when we flip safety on its head, we begin living safe life number 2. Safe life number 2 is marked by risk. Ironic I know. Safe life number 2 is all about asking the questions “How can I please Him?” and “What is He thinking right now?” This life is full of risk because it commands you to take up a cross, die to self, and start living for something bigger and better than you. There is nothing safe about this life you say? The safety comes in who is leading you in this life. This life is linked to the savior of the world and to the one and only God. He is all powerful and all-knowing and when He has your back there is nothing to fear, thus there is safety! Safety in the risk. This is the paradox of the Christian life.
Read my red lips and hear me say I am not there yet. The spirit is pushing and molding these days to push me out of my comfort and into the safety of risk taking for Him. I’m not there yet but I am wondering if you will journey with me there. Let’s be a generation that takes risk for the advancement of God’s kingdom and the good of those around us whom we love. With our gray fingernails and bright red lips let’s get out of our boxes and start living as one redeemed from the pit and set apart for a purpose.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 1 of Words that Inspire

I love words. That may sound silly but it is true. In fact, in every room of my house there is something on the wall that has words. I surround myself with them. My most recent project was a collection of pictures over the sofa, each picture has words.
 Forgive the white walls we are renters :)

Words to me are like markers, they mark moments in time, stories, memories, lessons. Words can be as powerful as smells when it comes to evoking a memory in you. Yet as powerful as they are we use them so cheaply sometimes. Think about how many words are spoken in a day around the world. They are our life line, our main source of communication. They have the power to build up, tear down, share love, spread hate, engage others, or shatter others.

These next 31 days I am going to share with you words that have shaped my life and serve as memories or blessing to me. Our first word of the series?
No I'm not cheating first of all because this is my blog and i can do what i want, but secondly because I am talking about Word with a capital W. The Word. John 1:1-5:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. 5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

John 1:14
14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. 

The Word is Christ. HE became flesh and dwelt among us. HE was in the beginning with God.

What better way to start our 31 days then with the beginning? Do you know the one who came to dwell among men to save them? The one who was fully man and fully God? HE is the Word. HE is your Word. He can mark every moment and give power to every thought. He can define the misunderstood and give life to the undefined.