I have the privilege of hosting 8 women in my home on a weekly basis. We gather, eat, study God’s word, and share our lives with each other. It is community and it is refreshing. Last night was an especially good night.
It was my night to make dessert. I don’t do desserts. I can cook most anything but baking and I are not always on the best of terms. However I had a plan (a recipe) and I had the determination to see it through. That was until my canned pumpkin was expired.
The show must go on. No use crying over expired pumpkin.
Side note: what does it say about me that I have expired canned goods in my pantry? Doesn’t that stuff last for like years? I’m going with: we have a small apartment thus a small kitchen thus a small pantry and because I am such a good house keeper (wink wink) I keep our pantry fully stocked and it was a simple oversight that something would expire. But that is another post.
I regress. So here I am, facing the fear of dessert, 8 friends coming over hungry and expired ingredients. What is a girl to do? What do we always do? Make it work! It was a Tim Gunn moment yall. I decided I would do what I do when I cook, improvise and use what I have. I baked some very interesting cupcakes with some very interesting icing. My sweet friends (and husband) indulged themselves in what I named “Harvest Spice Cupcakes” like something out of a William Sonoma Catalogue.
The cupcake itself…simply boxed cake mix, but the icing was a creation of innovation. Who knew cream cheese, nutella, pumpkin coffee creamer, pumpkin pie spice, and brown sugar whipped up a mighty good frosting (be it a ridiculously fattening icing).
In the frantic of making this cupcake creation like a contestant on Cupcake Wars (you know you watch that show) I ran out of time to do the dishes and have the kitchen clean and ready for my guest. A task I hold in high importance each week as the girls gather. I try so hard to make my home a sanctuary for our time. A sink full of dishes does not a sanctuary make, at least not for this girl. However as the night went on and each dear one shared the truth of what they were learning, the exciting announcement of new seasons of life approaching, the tears of heavy burdens and stressful weeks the sanctuary was being built despite the dirty remnants of a busy day. Our hearts were linking together in celebration and joy.
Today I am thankful for friends who share times with me that make memories. Even when there are dishes in the sink.
There was so much excitement we did not notice the dirty dishes; and those were some good cupcakes!! So blessed to have you as a sweet friend in this season of life! ~Holly